OnEducation Presents is exactly what it sounds like! Anything that doesn't seem like it fits as a normal episode, and anything that isn't a "quick hit" like OnEducation Now! is an episode of OnEducation Presents. This is where some amazing content is going to live such as:

Dig It or Ditch It w/ Noah GeiselSpecial extended interviewsAudio recordings of speeches or sessions presented by Mike or GlenYOUR submissions (Coming Soon - This is an Easter Egg, let's see who reads the show notes - Tweet us if you're curious!)

Our Guest: Tisha Richmond

Twitter: The Book!:

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Classcraft: ISTE is right around the corner and Classcraft has something to share. Stay tuned to the podcast, and keep your eyes on Twitter to see how Classcraft is going to once again change the way school is played. To learn more about Classcraft and get started on the road to the most fun you’ve ever had at school visit

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