Can changing your morning routine change your life? And what do you have to do to not only grow on a personal level, but also get out of your comfort zone, challenge yourself, and achieve your larger goals? Those are the things that you’re going to hear about from today’s guest Hal Elrod, author of The Miracle Morning and a new book, The Miracle Equation.

Hal starts by talking about his first book, The Miracle Morning. However, as Hal explains, the idea for the Miracle Morning wasn’t really a book idea at all to begin with. The idea originated after the crash in the US economy in 2007. Hal says that his own life went into a spiral along with the economy. So, he began looking up habits and rituals of successful people. Much of the information he came across referenced morning routines, but Hal himself wasn’t much of a morning person. But he decided to give it a try. 

“The miracle is always inevitable when you live by the miracle equation.”

Hal came up with a list of six practices. At first, he was going to try only one, but then he decided to see what would happen if he tried all of them. He anticipated needing to put this change into practice for six to twelve months before seeing any results – but he saw dramatic changes in only two months. His wife dubbed the practice his “miracle morning” and the six practices became the acronym SAVERS: Silence (meditation), Affirmations, Visualization, Exercise, Reading, and Scribing (journaling). It took Hal three years to finish writing The Miracle Morning.

Hal also talks about his newest book, The Miracle Equation. As he describes it, the concept of the miracle morning is the process for daily personal development, but that by itself is not enough to get a person out of their comfort zone so that they can achieve larger goals. The process for doing that is what Hal lays out in The Miracle Equation.

Hal explains the rearview mirror effect – how people can come to believe that they can’t accomplish a thing because they look in their personal “rearview mirror” and see that they haven’t achieved that thing before. He also talks about the importance of having faith in yourself, the four steps to effective affirmations, and what to do when you’re stuck dwelling on something in the past that you can’t change. Listen to the interview to hear more about Hal and The Miracle Equation.


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