TIME - The Role of Resonance on Your Voice

Resonance is one of the keys to having power without experiencing voice problems like vocal fry. In fact vocal fry happens because of incorrect breath support, too much force on the vocal cords and a lack of resonance. If you’re experiencing voice health issues, like vocal fry, or if you don’t like the sound of your voice, then you need to learn how to use your voice correctly.

Try this resonance exercise each day for the next two weeks and see what happens. Most importantly stop putting your voice - and yourself - under pressure. Nothing good in life results from force and that includes how your voice sounds.

Less is more. Ease and correct technique are the paths to vocal freedom.

Show Notes - What are your vocal chords? – 1st exercise: how to release tension – 2nd exercise: how to release tension – relax your lips - 3rd exercise: warm up your vocal chords – what is resonance? - 4th exercise: resonance

Want to let your voice out confidently? Join my next Express Your SELF!, free livestream event! Places are limited, save yours here: https://kirbanu.com/free-workshop

Learn to use your voice correctly for ease and impact in my free book: https://kirbanu.com/free-guide-to-vocal-health

Would you like to get free voice & expression tips, plus meditations, music and more on a weekly basis from me? Sign up to my WhatsApp newsletter and get a gift from me every Friday: https://kirbanu.com/whatsapp

Tired of holding back & playing small? Learn to increase self-confidence, deepen self-love & let your voice out no matter what in my June online course: https://kirbanu.com/express-yourself-freely