Your voice is your most powerful resource to express yourself. It affects how others see you and the influence you have. But is yours having the impact you know it can?

If you haven’t learned how to use your voice correctly, the bad habits you may be using when you do speak could lead to any of the following vocal problems:

Voice fatigue or loss when speaking for longer periods

A lack of vocal power or volumeExperiencing hoarseness, burning or itching sensations in the throatFeeling like the voice is trapped in the throatBreathlessness when speaking or singingInstability in the pitch of your voiceInability to sustain vocal tone

And this is just mechanically what happens when we don’t use our voice correctly! Correct posture is the foundation for this. And correct breathing is equally important. We are wind instruments. Our vocal cords function through air pressure. This is controlled by the way you breathe. To use your voice with power and impact, and to use your voice in a healthy way, it’s necessary to learn how to breathe correctly when you speak.

How Notes 2:21 – What is your voice? 4:15 – The mechanical voice 5:16 – How posture affects your voice 7:54 – The Role of Breath on the Voice: How breathing influences your voice 10:47 - First breath exercise for speaking 14:23 - Second breath exercise for speaking

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