OTT: Episode 151: What Do Loose Parts and Makerspace Have to do with the New Year?

What do Loose parts and Makerspace have to do with the new year? They are both all about having a mindset of exploration, adventure, innovation, critical thinking, and creativity. How will you bring that to your classroom? Listen to get started.

Over Christmas break, I started reading Loose Parts by Carla Gull, Suzanne Levenson Goldstein, and Tricia Rosengarten. It is amazing! It is also completely aligned to what I believe- that kids should be learning in a play type of atmosphere where innovation, exploration, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity are at the forefront. 

Come take a listen to how loose parts and Makerspace relate to the New Year!

Links Mentioned in the Show:

Makerspace Thinking and Learning on Facebook

Trinadeboreet&l on Instagram

Loose Parts on Amazon (affiliate link) 

OTT Episode 124: The Most Memorable and Impressive Take-Aways From STEM Con 2021

Makerspace Start-Up Kit Freebie

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