157 How Can Schools and Administrators Reduce and Prevent Teacher Burnout?

Teacher burnout is something we hear a lot about these days. Burnout is real and is existing at a crisis level.  How can schools, admins, and teachers themselves prevent or reduce burnout? Come take a listen.

The most important message for teachers to hear is that burnout is not their fault. Yes, there are things we can do to help ourselves, and my guest Jennifer Rafferty talks all about this today. But there is also a great deal of pressure and stress on teachers that is a result of poor systems and expectations. 

Being a teacher in 2022 often feels demoralizing and as if we are functioning in a system of oppression. When every decision you make is constantly questioned and you are often told to do things that go against what is best for children, it begins to wear you down and burnout is inevitable. 

Jennifer Rafferty, the creator of the Empowered Educator, shares some very specific and helpful things that we can do to help teachers. Let’s dive in. 

Links Mentioned in the Show:


The Empowered Educator Program

The Empowered Educator on Facebook

Jenraffertymusic on Instagram

Lessons for Busy Teachers

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