98: 13 Remarkable Ideas to Help Kids Fall in Love With Reading

I've sadly seen a lot of children resisting reading in the past 5 years. It has been heartbreaking. When we lose the passion for something, we stop doing it. I believe there are things we can do to create passionate lovers of reading. I hope you stick around.

13 Remarkable Ways to Help Kids Fall in Love With Reading:

Read to them!Model a passion for readingGive them lots of choices.Bring them to the Media Center/LibraryGive them time to read.Read for the fun of it!Theme out your book nook.Display books.Stop testing them every second.Conquer the log and the summary.Start a book club.Ask them questions.Treat books like they are magical.

If you treat books like they are magical, kids will grow up believing that they are. 

Links Mentioned in the Show:

Episode 97: 7 Dreadful Ways to Kill the Love of Reading

Makerspace Moments in Literature

Bundle of What Do You Do? Makerspace

By Kobi Yamada: 

What Do You Do With an Idea? 

What Do You Do With a Problem?

What Do You Do With a Chance?


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