89: How to Plan a Virtual Open House Meet the Teacher

During this time of social distancing, many schools are going online with their open house. In this episode, I talk all about what you need to keep in mind to hold a virtual meet the teacher. I hope you stick around.

Whether you are going back to school full-time face-to-face, hybrid, or virtually, you will most likely need to do a virtual open house. Why not have everything all thought out in advance? 

Hopefully, this episode will help you think through pieces that you will need to run a successful virtual open house. I also have created a virtual open house meet the teacher packet to make life just a little bit easier. Link below. 

Links Mentioned in the Show: 

78: Adding Flipgrid to Your Distance Learning Strategy

79 Flipgrid 101

Virtual Open House Meet The Teacher Packet on TpT

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