85-Increasing Social and Emotional Learning Through STEM

The social and emotional components in learning are such an important part of the whole child. Today Claire Meschkat from Vivify STEM and I sit down to talk about how to cover these important SEL elements through STEM instruction. I hope you will join us. 

Highlights from the Show:

So I think the thing that I've learned is that with STEM, like in my background, I love space exploration and figuring out how airplanes fly and all that stuff. And I thought oh, then I should be designing them and everything. But what I really loved was telling other people about it. I love talking about those things, and that is what teachers do. They help others do the things that they're passionate about and get to share that passion with them. So I'm so excited to now be in this role, and see how Kids can achieve so much when you inspire them with something. ~Claire Meschkat (Vivify STEM)

And I think that we need that. We need that for kids, especially our kids, you know, now when they have such a world available to them, but sometimes I don't think they realize that they do have all these different options. ~Trina Deboree

You know, that's what I really like about STEM is that STEM skills are really life skills. You know, that teamwork, the problem solving the critical thinking, and perseverance.  So, you know, before I get ahead of myself here, but even with the social-emotional learning, like all of that wrapped up into STEM is just such an amazing practice for what kids are going to experience beyond the classroom. ~Claire Meschkat (Vivify STEM)

Links Mentioned in the Show:

82: The Magic of Hands-On Integrated Units in the Classroom

83: How to Engage Students Online and How to Ensure Equal Access

84: How to Add More Science Into Your Online or Physical Classroom

Space Landing Challenge

Vivify STEM

12 Ways to Boost Social-Emotional Learning with STEM

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