Today's show is uncomfortable. It is in the uncomfortable that we will disrupt white fragility and increase our capacity to sustain the discomfort of not knowing. I hope you will join me.

I know for me I want to do and be better in terms of being anti-racist. It isn’t enough to not be a racist. I need to be anti-racist. We don’t have to be a racist to benefit from the system of racism.

This is a hard conversation, but one that must occur to eliminate barriers for our students of color. I know I struggle to start this conversation, but it is one I hope will impact the necessary change we need in our educational systems and classrooms.

Links Mentioned in the Show:

White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo

Educating the Educator Facebook Group (Book Study)

Unconscious Bias in Schools: A Developmental Approach to Exploring Race and Racism by Tracey A. Bensen and Sarah E. Fiarman

What Educators Should and Should Not Do in Response to George Floyd’s Death (Education Week Teacher)

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