68: Emergency Sub Plans and Germs

When you just can’t make it into work, having an emergency set of sub plans is the answer to a prayer! At my school, we were required to have a week’s worth of sub plans. I couldn’t be happier to have 2 sets! That took me through all 10 of my sick days. And you never know when you need them!

And since it is that time of year where yes I am sick, I thought you might be interested in my little reader- Germs, Germs, Germs: A Problem With Germs. Here’s to YOU not having a problem with germs! Stay healthy and keep teaching and learning.

Links Mentioned in the Show:

Emergency Sub Plans- 5 Days of Plans

Emergency Sub Plans- Winter Theme 5 Days

Germs, Germs, Germs: The Problem With Germs

How to Put My Emergency Sub Plans Together Video Tutorial

Here is what teachers are saying about My Emergency Sub Plans:

My school requires 5 days of sub plans (due by the first week of school). We are all teachers here.. we know how hectic the beginning of the school year can be. 5 days of sub plans on top of it all? A couple of hours ago.. I was sitting trying to figure out how I was gonna get it all done by tomorrow (procrastination at it's finest..) I decided to get on this handy dandy website and WHAM.. 5 days done after a click of a button. You are a lifesaver. This is the best $10 dollars I ever spent. THANK YOU! :)

This was the best $10 I have spent all year! Thank you so much for putting in all of this work! You made creating my emergency sub plans a snap.

This is great! While I hope I don't have to use them...just knowing I have them ready is so helpful! It was so easy to put together my emergency sub folder using your product!

I love these emergency sub plans. I'm currently a new teacher for a second grade class and having an unplanned sick day can be killer if I have to go in and prepare for a sub. Thus, I was easily able to add my plans via adobe (or you can manually write). It also provided age appropriate lessons for all subjects for 5 days, if needed. Thank you so much again for this awesome product!

Here are what teachers are saying about the Germs reader:

This came in really handy once the flu season started!

Left this for the substitute and she said they loved it and sparked many conversations.

This is great! I can't wait to use it with my students! Our health curriculum is so poor. Thank you!

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