60: How Teachers Can Make Smart Moves With Money

Teachers don't go into teaching for the money. In fact, we often know there won't be a lot of that. So how do we not only survive a teacher's salary but thrive instead? Today Rob Phelan from Fi Educator and I sit down and have some hard conversations about money. I only wish I had this conversation 20 years ago! I hope you will join us.

Links Mentioned in the Show:

The Simple StartUp: A Beginner’s Guide To Starting Your Own Business

ChooseFI K-12 Financial Literacy Curriculum
Fi Educator on TpT

New Blog (coming Feb 2020)

ChooseFi Facebook Group

Recommended Podcasts for learning how to manage your money:
Afford Anything
Stacking Benjamins
Teach and Retire Rich (teacher-specific)
One Million Apples (teacher-specific)

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