Welcome to One Tired Teacher Episode 58: 5 Blissful Ideas to Make This Holiday Spectacular for Teachers. Today we are focusing on our holiday mindset. So often teachers go from frazzled hectic classrooms right before Christmas to frazzle hectic holiday households. So today let’s talk about 5 blissful ideas to help make your holiday spectacular and get you in the holiday mindset. I hope you will stick around!

Blissful Idea #1: Leave Your Work at School!

Blissful Idea #2: You are Not Alone and Spend Time in Nature

Blissful Idea #3: Find a Reason That Motivates or Inspires You and Focus on That

Blissful Idea #4: Choose at Least One Day for YOU

Blissful Idea #5: Say No

I hope you have a restful, recharging break. And that your time brings you some peace and joy. One Tired Teacher will be back in the new year! So I hope to see you in 2020. Until then Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, sweet dreams, and sleep tight.

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