Classroom Set Up

Classroom set up requires a great deal of intentional thinking. Where is your furniture? Can you get around quickly? Do you offer an alternative seating option? Do you have a cool down spot? Remember that proximity is the key.

Start with how you plan to set up your classroom. You will want to keep two major issues in mind.

You will need to be able to see all students at all times. If you want nooks or private spots in your classroom, you will want to make sure you have a procedure in place for those areas and that you can get to them quickly. This takes a lot of practice and trust with your students. So if you feel leery of that, then open them up. Things can happen in a blink of an eye.

You want to be able to get anywhere in the room with lightning speed. So have open pathways to every area.

Today we talk about intentional classroom set up with areas that are non-negotiable and areas that would be nice to have. Thinking spaces through will help everything run smoother.

Links Mentioned in the Show:

Amy Porterfield’s Digital Course Quiz What Type of Course Should I Create

Amy Porterfield’s Digital Course Starter Kit

Cool Down Corner Kit

Makerspace Start Up Kit

Why Every Classroom Needs a Makerspace

Episode 30: OTT: Every Classroom Needs a Makerspace

Episode 38: OTT: Why Back-to-School Decor Matters in the Classroom

Back-To-School Packs

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