Back-to-School Motivation

Today we talk all about getting into the right mindset for back-to-school. When we know that what we do has a purpose, we have to find ways to motivate and inspire ourselves to do the job well.

In today’s episode, I share my God driven moments in teaching as well as some inspiring quotes from some brilliant people. I hope you will join me

Also, I would love to hear all about your back-to-school journey. Leave a comment or shoot me an DM on Facebook or Instagram. I would love to hear from you.

Links Mentioned in the Show

Amy Porterfield’s Digital Course Academy Start Up Kit FREEBIE

Every Kid Needs A Champion ~Rita Pierson

Do Schools Kill Creativity ~ Sir Ken Robinson

How to Escape Education's Death Valley ~ Sir Ken Robinson

Reimagine Learning That Can Change the World~ Sir Ken Robinson

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