Talking curriculum, professional development, and building a community of teachers is one of my favorite things to do. That probably explains why Deedee Wills from the Facebook group Primary Collaborative and I speak for over an hour! It's a long one, but I loved every moment of it.

Teachers need other teachers. It's in the people who get you that you often find comfort. When I left the classroom several years ago, I lost a powerful connection to my team of second-grade teachers. The loss was pretty significant for me. So when Deedee agreed to be a guest on One Tired Teacher, I was very excited to pick her brain on building a community of teachers, as she is an expert on the topic. The conversation took many twists and turns, but in the end, it was a talk I thoroughly enjoyed. I often find kindred spirits in the most unexpected places, but the moment she choked up thinking about being in the classroom with her Kindergarteners, I knew there was something special about Deedee. Join us as two forever teachers talk curriculum, teaching, and building a community.

Links Mentioned in the Show

Primary Collaborative Facebook Group

Deedee Wils Store on Teachers Pay Teachers

Teacherpreneurs, Raise Your Hand (Sneak Peak- Launches June 4th)

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