Podcasting, teaching, and running an edupreneur business from the road is the topic for this week’s show. I take a closer look at the dream of working remotely with Farah Henley from Ms. Shipley’s Classroom.

Farrah left normal to pursue a dream of having her own teacher business, teach remotely, and travel with her husband while living the dream. I’m excited to share our conversation about working from the road. I also love how we dig deeper into some of the hard truths that teachers are facing currently.

Highlights From the Show:

For me, the podcast was a way to get this into the teacher community. When I found you, I binged listened. And I loved the title One Tired Teacher because it just resonated with what is going on in our teacher community. (Farrah)

That is one of the main reasons I wanted to do a podcast. I tried to find my voice again. I felt silenced somewhat as a teacher later on in my career, and I had a lot to say. Once things changed and there was so much that we were doing like over testing, that I felt like what we were doing to kids was hurting them. It’s actually hurting me to watch this. And I felt silenced. And I don’t have to be silenced anymore. I wanted to speak up about that. (Trina)

Teachers are silencing other teachers. There is a thing going on in our community where there is a persona that is being put out on social media that says what you have to be to be considered a good teacher. And that is not what makes you a good teacher. We need to get back to what matters and to lift each other up and showing each other that you can be a good teacher without a Pinterest classroom.

I want to be that person that can lift you up and support you, and I can lift you up and make you feel like you are a great teacher no matter what stage you are in. The podcast, The Field Trip Teacher, for me is not only to share things for teachers in the classroom. But it was a place for me to share things for the classroom, and it’s a place for me to share what it’s like living on the road and running a business, and what it’s like leaving the classroom. We are all in different stages. And I want them to have a place to go when they are burned out, and they need a place to go

I want a place where they can go when they don’t like their admin and they don’t like what is happening in education, they don’t like what mandated to teach. They are burned out. They love teaching and they love their students, but they just can’t do this anymore. And I don’t want them to feel bad about it. And it’s okay. (Farrah)

Teachers celebrating teachers. I think that is what we all need. We have enough criticism from so many other sources. Why do we criticize each other? We have to be each other’s best support. (Trina)

The best professional development is the teacher down the hall.

That is why the podcast got started. Because I have a voice. And I’m tired of not being able to use my voice. And if someone doesn’t like it, they can just turn it off.

With a podcast, it is your chance to get in their ear. You can have a conversation. It is very personal. You can sit there and listen as if the person is talking to you and not a thousand people. (Farrah)

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Links Mentioned in the Show:

Ms. Shipley’s Classroom

Learn with Farrah

Link to Farah’s The Field Trip Teacher Podcast

Voice Over Expert- Chris Jackson

Link to Microphones:

Blue Snowball (Farrah’s)

Samson Q2U (mine)

Episode 15: One Tired Teacher: Guest Chris Kesler