154:5 Magnificent Benefits from an Elementary Makerspace

Today we take a further look at the magnificent benefits of an elementary Makerspace.

Today we are continuing our talk about Makerspace. As you may know, I just finished 4 days of live Makersapce Masterclasses. So much fun. I love talking to educators who are interested in the wonder of Makerspace.

I also want to take this moment to let you know that my Makerspace course Mastering Makerspace: From Zero to Amazing is open and accepting enrollment. In this 4-week step-by-step game plan, you will learn how to create a meaningful Makerspace with standards-based activities that foster collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity without breaking the bank or (losing) your sanity! I hope to see you inside! 

To enroll go to Mastering Makerspace on Kajabi.

5 Magnificent Benefits of Makerspace:

Benefit #1 Standards-Based

Benefit #2 Develops Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving, and Decision-Making Skills

Benefit #3 Foster Imagination, Curiosity, Creativity, and Wonder

Benefit #4 Resiliency

Benefit #5 Improve Communication Skills and Social Interactions

Links Mentioned in the Show:

Mastering Makerspace: From Zero to Amazing

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