138: OTT: How to Successfully Integrate Science Into the Second Grade Classroom

It is so easy to feel like there are not enough hours in the day to cover all the standards that we need to cover as 1st and 2nd-grade teachers. Often primary teachers in general feel like their number one task are to teach children how to read and how to add and subtract. We know that is priority number one. 

So what does that mean for our content areas like science and social studies? This is where integration makes a lot of sense and can honestly be the only way to ensure that these major subject areas are covered. 

Today I’m focusing on science as I am passionate about science and STEM. In fact, the very basics of STEM are an integration of multiple disciplines and how they naturally interweave. So let’s talk about how we can successfully integrate science into our second-grade classroom. I hope you will join me.

Links Mentioned in the Show:

Science Bundle for the Year

STEM Units Across the Year

Holidays Matter (Christmas Matter Unit)

Holidays Matter (Halloween Matter Unit)

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