131: OTT: 5 Energizing Ideas for Hard-Working Teachers to Fully Disconnect From School

Do you need some energizing ideas to help you disconnect from school? I know it is so hard to let go of the school year. I was recently in a FB group where a third-grade teacher was feeling GUILTY about not working in the summer! I wanted to take that sweet teacher by the hand and give her a huge hug and then send her on a cruise!

Is this you? Are you struggling to disconnect? It can happen to us all. I too spent years working right through the summer. I missed years of my children's young lives to the guilt of working for FREE over the summer.

It is time to disconnect, my friend. It will actually make you a BETTER teacher in the end. Come take a listen and then share one way you disconnect in the comments.

Links Mentioned in the Show:

Episode 126: 5 Captivating Themes for Your End-of-the-Year Bonanza

Episode 128: 5 Genuine Reasons Teachers Should Plan a Vacation THIS Year

Makerspace Thinking and Learning Facebook Group (Summer Series starts June 14th.)

Mastering Makerspace Wait List

Whole Teacher EclecticCon 2021

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