126: OTT: 5 Captivating Themes for Your End of the Year Bonanza

Getting to the end of the school year comes with a mixture of feelings. I know I’ve experienced overwhelm with all the looming things that need to be done. I’ve felt frustration at the lackluster attitudes my kids have displayed, and I’ve even felt a deep sadness as the days counted down. Other years, I have to admit, I’ve felt relief. Some years you are just ready to end. There are just so many feelings. 

So how do you combat the feelings that pop up? Especially the feelings of frustration and overwhelm? You use a captivating theme for an end-of-the-year bonanza! (Yes, I promise you this actually helps with overwhelm and frustration!) 

Join me on today’s episode of One Tired Teachers as I share how using a theme can actually leave you feeling accomplished, relieved, and joyful! You won’t want to miss this episode.

Links Mentioned in the Show:

OTT 125: How Elementary Teachers Survive the End of the School Year

End-of-the-Year Camp Theme

End-of-the-Year Surf Theme

End-of-the-Year Sports Theme

End-of-the-Year Western Theme

End-of-the-Year Superhero Theme

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