121 OTT: How to Get to Real World Thinking Through Long Term STEM Projects

Today we are talking about how to get to real-world thinking and problem-solving through the use of long-term STEM projects with Claire M from Vivify STEM. Clair is an Engineer educator. She is a real engineer who found a passion for reaching children through STEM. She is incredible and brilliant. But she is also down to earth and has a passion for sharing her love of engineering and science with children. If you have ever thought about how am I going to motivate my students to care about the problems in the world or inspire them to solve real-world problems then you will definitely want to stick around.

Question for the week: How will you use a long-term STEM project OR What are the barriers to using a long-term STEM project? Share in the comments. (Rate the show while you are at it!) 

Links Mentioned in the Show:

STEM Con 2021

Vivify STEM

Vivify STEM on TpT

Podcasting School for Teachers

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