108: 5 Teacher Goals for the New Year

Happy new year. It is 2021. It's hard to believe that we are actually in the new year. I know there are so many teachers out there that are feeling so thankful that we have ended 2020, and we are now moving into 2021. There's a lot of expectations for this year and a lot of hope.  We are ready for something new, change, something different. 

Goal #1:

I want you to take care of yourself. I want us all to be kind to ourselves and to really take care of ourselves this year. And whether that means that we're going to exercise more, or relax more, or we're going to have fun or we're going to create memories. Think of those things, because life is really short. You just don't know how much time you're going to have in this lifetime. And we want to make sure that we're embracing it to its fullest. 

Goal #2 

Let go of the guilt. We've got to let go of the guilt. We're in this vicious guilt, shame cycle. And we shame one another. We see another teacher leave on time. And we think- What are they doing? They're not working as hard. Or we see somebody else doing a job, and we're like, oh, they don't have to work as much as I do. And we judge. And we shame.  It's like this vicious cycle, and it happens because we are in a system of lack. 

Goal #3: 

I want to go back to number two for a second because I want to talk about a habit that you can change. I want you to think about leaving work, at least 50% of the time. Or maybe you're going to start with 40% of the time. But make a change. Make it even if it's 10% of the time. Maybe you only leave on time, one day a week. Just make a small change. 

Goal #4

Practice gratitude. I talked about this at Thanksgiving because I think it's so important. But when we practice gratitude, it helps us to not focus so much on the negative things. Practicing gratitude can make big things seem more relative.

Goal #5:

Feel your feelings. So I think it's important for us to feel our feelings. You don't have to just brush them under the rug.  I get so irritated when people say just be positive. You know, it's really hard to be positive, especially when you have depression and anxiety, which I do. And so it's hard to just be positive. It's not like I'm walking around being depressed on purpose.

Links Mentioned in the Show: 

Goal Setting Task Cards

Gratitude Journal Digital and Print Bundle

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