Over the years I’ve found that every time I dial down the pressure in my business—and have more space to think and play—my business thrives because of it. 

I unlock a whole new level of business results, and with it comes a whole new level of ease.

But this time around, I also knew that something would have to shift strategically to make that my reality.

So what started as a gentle nudge to create more spaciousness (that was easy to ignore) over time got louder and louder until I decided this was something important to listen to.

Enter what I’m calling my “Summer of Spaciousness,” and I couldn’t be more excited.

I’m talking about how I’m intentionally creating more breathing room in my schedule this summer and having more fun both inside and outside my business.

Plus, I’m filling you in on what this means for the podcast and how you can make a shift like this if you’re feeling called to have a spacious schedule of your own.



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Check out the show notes here: 


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