When I first started on this rollercoaster of entrepreneurship, I was 100% in it for the lifestyle. I craved the freedom and flexibility that it would create for me.

The phrase “be careful what you wish for” definitely rings true here because I found myself with a ton of time (even if I was really good at keeping myself busy) and no clear idea of what to do to land more consistent clients and grow my business.

The feast or famine cycle was real, but I told myself I just needed to keep going. Looking back, there were A LOT of flaws with that plan that are so easy for me to see in hindsight. 

Today, I’m sharing the juicy insights I wish I had at that time so you can stop spinning your wheels and take action on the things that are going to lead to more sales, more clients, and more of—not only the results—but also the life you're after!

Learn more about MADE IT Voxer coaching here:


Check out the show notes here: 


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