You can’t borrow this belief soon enough.

I know that when you’re getting paid for work that comes easily to you, it can be really easy to feel like you’re doing something wrong. Those thoughts start to bubble up and all of a sudden you’re second-guessing, “It couldn’t really be that easy could it?”

You’re showing up in your zone of genius, you’re delivering incredible client results, and yet every time you go to send that invoice there’s resistance that comes up… almost like you’re taking something away from the people paying you.

If that sounds all too familiar, you’re going to love the reframe that I offer in today’s episode where we dive into the belief that people love to pay you.

If your insides start to squirm when you hear that, then this is exactly what you need to hear so you can shift your thinking and start doing the inner work that leads to big external results like more leads, clients, and money in the bank.

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