It sounds just a tiny bit ridiculous to say out loud… the thought that I might actually be afraid of making more money in my business.

And yet, that’s exactly where I found myself—afraid that more money would turn me into an entirely different person.

I felt like I couldn’t actually trust myself to spend that money in a responsible way, or heck, even to save it. 

That’s why today, I’m re-airing a crowd favorite where I’m sharing exactly what made it so difficult for me to trust myself to make more money in my business and how I broke through those fears so I could create more abundance NOW.

If you’re someone who feels like you can’t trust yourself around money, today’s mindset shift is absolute GOLD for identifying the money mindset challenges that are holding you back and shifting them so you can thrive!

Grab the Money Mindset Journal here:

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Check out the show notes here:

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