Perhaps you’ve experienced a shift in the first half of this year – maybe things just seemed, well… slower than usual.

This is a conversation that’s been happening behind the scenes that we’re aiming to shed light on in today’s episode where I chat with my amazing guest, Megan Lamle.

Because while you may very well be experiencing a slow season, we’ve found that the belief that no one is buying right now is likely doing you more harm than good.

We’re talking sales psychology and behavioral economics to fill you in on how we know this is fundamentally not the case, plus how to shift your mindset to close more sales.

Even if you haven’t seen this trend in your own business, the mindset shift we discuss is absolute GOLD for any slow season or dip in your business income so you can get more of the clients you want.

Book your free Sincere Sales coaching call here:

Check out the show notes here:

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