Maybe deep down you know you want to be charging more for your services. 

But you also know that it can feel a little uncomfortable to step into that next level and embody the kind of confidence that will get you there. 

If that’s you, you’re going to absolutely love the mindset shift we dish out in today’s episode. I’m joined by my amazing friend, Kate Wilkinson (@itskatewilkinson), and she’s filling you in on the mindset and energetic shift you need to charge high-ticket. 

My favorite thing about this conversation is that we break it down in a way that feels really simple and actionable. You’re going to see yourself in so many of the stories that we share today.

It’s so much easier to understand where you’re getting stuck, identify those blind spots, and really shift out of them when you know exactly how those blocks are showing up for you. Today is going to help you uncover just that!

Book your free Make Moves + Get Paid coaching call here:

Check out the show notes here:

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