Today, I have the absolute pleasure of introducing you to two women near and dear to my heart. The three of us first met when our business coach went on maternity leave – and if we’re being entirely honest, we had no idea what to expect.

But there we were, paired up for added accountability and support, and what followed was absolute magic. Our little Voxer chat evolved into more fun, friendship, laughter, and random conversations about life and business that have added SO much joy to our lives.

So we’re giving you a peak behind the curtain and filling you in on what we’ve learned on our journey. You’ll walk away from this episode with the mindset to create your own business bestie pod in a way that feels supportive and fun – and laugh with us along the way.

P.S. Don’t miss out on our rapid-fire questions BONUS EPISODE!!

Book your free Make Moves and Get Paid Coaching Call here:

Check out the show notes here:

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