I’d be willing to bet that almost every entrepreneur has found themselves stuck in the comparison trap in their business at one point or another. 

And I probably don’t have to tell you that all that mental drama makes it 10x (heck, maybe a million times) more difficult to take the right actions in your business so you can see BIG results.

That’s why today we’re diving into the mindset shift that’s going to make the biggest difference for you in getting the eff out of the comparison trap and being unapologetically YOU so you can thrive in life and biz.

In this episode of the One Simple Shift podcast, I chat with my guest, Kiera Walsh (@kierawalshcoaching) about:

The single most important mindset shift in getting the eff out of the comparison trap and being unapologetically YOU in business (yes, even and especially in this online space!)The one thing that is almost ALWAYS the answer to growing your business in a way that actually feels good and gets big results!Kiera’s experience growing up in a trailer park and how she broke out of the poverty mindset so she could have the abundant life and business she desired (and you can too!)The surprising things that distance running and business building have in common, PLUS how to focus on your own goals and finish line so you can achieve them with more easeLetting go of your inner “mean girl” mindset, what that even means, and how you may be doing this without even realizing itThe exact mindset shift you need to celebrate the wins of others right alongside you (plus, how this does wonders for your mindset AND your results!)

Check out the full show notes for this episode here: https://amandajoyceweber.com/one-simple-shift-all-episodes/137-kiera-walsh

Book your free Sincere Sales coaching call here: https://amandajoyceweber.com/sinceresales

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