Honestly, I work about 25 hours per week in my business. I absolutely love it and I’ve found that it’s what works best for me, but that doesn’t mean it’s without its tradeoffs. So today I’m pulling back the curtain and sharing what I’m afraid to tell you about my 25-hour work week. I’m discussing the practical pieces I have in place to make that possible, as well as the mindset work I’ve done to grow in a way that actually feels good (that you can steal from me!). In an industry that prides itself on making more money, faster, this approach may come as a bit of a surprise. My hope is that this episode gives you a massive dose of permission to grow in a way that feels aligned with what YOU want and how you want to create it. This is the exact mindset shift that will ultimately help you to scale in a way that feels good to you long-term AND make more money because of it.


Check out the show notes here!


Friends, as I record this, I’m currently full in my one-on-one coaching practice. Now, there’s a chance that a spot may become available in the next month, so if you’ve been thinking about working together NOW IS THE TIME to join me for a call so we can see about getting you that spot and some serious sales support. And you know what?! I absolutely love supporting you in my free Sincere Sales coaching calls, so I’m going to keep doing them regardless!! If sales is something that you struggle with, then this 30-minute session was made for you. Honestly, I made sales feel way harder than it needed to be for way too long, and I KNOW that my mindset was holding me back, bigtime. That’s why I love helping you get to the root of your biggest mindset challenge when it comes to selling and help you shift it so you can close more of them with more ease. I only do a few of these each week so be sure to grab your spot at amandajoyceweber.com/sinceresales!

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