For a few years now, I’ve picked a single word to be my guiding intention for the year. And yet, when it came to choosing one this year, I was completely stumped. Nothing felt aligned for what I envisioned for myself and the more I turned over the possibilities the more I felt like nothing quite FIT. I can now see that it was staring me in the face the entire time, waiting for me to embrace it with open arms. That’s because I had a bit of a breakthrough last month and uncovered a mindset challenge that’s been holding me back in a major way. So spoiler alert: my word this year has absolutely nothing (and yet somehow absolutely EVERYTHING) to do with business and it’s already been a game-changer for me. Regardless of what word you choose to guide you this year (or if you even participate in this practice at all!) this episode is going to shift the way you think about yourself, your business, and your LIFE, in a way that will lead to a breakthrough of your own!


Check out the show notes here!


One of the biggest struggles I’ve experienced when it comes to sales is feeling like my own self-worth is dependent on the success of my business. As if getting a “no” on a sales call or having someone go with a different coach somehow made me a bad business owner. And honestly, it made every damn thing in my business feel heavy and hard. Maybe you’re there now? But I also know that I’ve done a hell of a lot of work to release the pressure I was feeling and shift this belief. It’s made it easier than ever to actually ENJOY selling. And spoiler alert: when you actually enjoy it, it converts better too. I’m here to help you do the mindset work to actually like SELLING so you can close more of them on my free 30-minute Sincere Sales coaching call. I only do a few of these sessions each week and have limited coaching spots available, so head over to to grab your spot today!

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