There’s a lot of hype in the online space around hitting those big number goals. In fact, it’s talked about SO much that perhaps you’ve never really stopped to consider what you actually want. Exactly how much money does your business ACTUALLY need to align with your purpose and your needs? Today we’re diving into the exact numbers you need to know in your business so you can make better decisions FOR YOU rather than some arbitrary number thrown around on the internet. And while it’s a conversation based in strategy, it’s going to shift your mindset around money in a major way so you can experience more financial freedom and success that actually feels like success. We'll walk you through the best way to be strategic with setting financial goals in your business so you can actually hit them. If you’re someone who has avoided looking at the numbers in your business because you never feel like you’re making enough OR is questioning if your business will EVER make enough money, this episode is a must-listen.


Check out the show notes here!


What I love most about this conversation today is that sales become SO MUCH easier when you relieve some of the pressure you’re feeling around them. And knowing your numbers and what you ACTUALLY need to make in your business (rather than some arbitrary goal you feel like you “should” have!) is a great way to do that. I mean really think about it, when you feel like you absolutely HAVE to sign that client, it leaves you questioning every single word you say. But when you know your numbers, know that you’ll be ok either way, and really give yourself the freedom to sell in a way that feels good… EVERYTHING shifts. Even if you’re thinking, but I really DO need clients to sign, then shifting your mindset, relieving the pressure, and feeling good about sales is even MORE essential to your success. Struggling to sell? Join me for my free 30-minute Sincere Sales coaching call where we’ll dive into that and so much more so you can sell in a way that feels good AND close more of them because of it. Grab yours today at because I only do a few of these each week!

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