Perhaps you’ve noticed that no matter how much experience you have, how many credentials you stack up, or how much money you make in your business, you’re left with the lingering feeling that it just isn’t enough (or maybe even in hearing that your brain told you that you DON'T have experiences, credentials, and so on?!). You may even be afraid that one day you’ll be “found out” and everyone will know that you’ve just been winging it this entire time. Not only that, but this fear has been holding you back from showing up in your business and seeing more of the results you want in a major way. If your confidence is wavering, your impulse is to pile on more knowledge, and you STILL don’t know if you have what it takes to make it in business, then today’s episode is a must-listen that is going to help you to think about those imposter thoughts in a totally different way.


Check out the show notes here!


What I’ve found to be true is that more knowledge is almost never the answer. That’s not to say knowledge is bad. There’s certainly a time and place. But if you’re anything like the women that I work with (and chances are if you’re listening to this, you probably are!) you have PLENTY of information and yet somehow it STILL doesn’t feel like enough. And that, right there, is a mindset challenge. Lucky for you, it’s also what I’m so amazing at helping my clients shift so they can think about their business in a totally different way and see new, better, and different results because of it. If you’ve been struggling with the mindset you need to sell in a way that feels good and has more results to show for it (like more clients and more money in the bank) then I would absolutely love for you to join me on my free Sincere Sales coaching call. I do these 30-minute sessions because I honestly love seeing the breakthrough moments and the REAL results you ladies walk away with so definitely want to grab your spot at because I only do a limited number each week!

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