I absolutely love when I come across another mindset coach with a background similar to my own—a designer who realized that mindset is absolutely EVERYTHING when it comes to seeing more of the results she wanted in life and business. In fact, we believe in this so wholeheartedly that it’s become our life’s work. Two different perspectives. Two different journeys. And all in all, a very similar conclusion. But it wasn’t always this way—we’ve both had our fair share of challenges that led us here and that’s exactly what we’re diving into in today’s episode. We’re giving you the inside scoop that made it possible to go from feeling “stuck” in biz to moving forward with alignment and momentum, and ultimately creating more clients and results. Plus, why we’ll recommend doing mindset work over piling on more strategies every. single. time.


Check out the show notes here!


You know that I am ALL about the mindset you need to take more of the right actions in your business. But the truth is, we almost always default to taking more, different actions rather than mastering the ones right in front of us. We’re convinced that there must be something else we just don’t know yet, some other strategy that would work better. That’s where mindset work comes into play—so we can get to the root of why it is the actions you’re already taking may not be yielding the results you want and how you can shift it. It’s yet another reason I absolutely love offering my free, 30-minute Sincere Sales coaching calls so you can get to the root of your biggest mindset challenge when it comes to selling and start closing sales with more ease than ever before. I only do a limited number of these each week so be sure to grab a time that works for you at amandajoyceweber.com/sinceresales. If you’re tired of feeling stuck in your business or have been “spinning your wheels” with minimal results this call is for you!

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