Today’s episode is unlike any other one I’ve done. I’m giving you a very real, behind the scenes look at what it actually took to grow my online business. Why? Because I think that it’s time we shine a light on what shifting your mindset ACTUALLY looks like and how one-on-one support can be the very thing that gets you out of your own way faster than anything else out there. That’s why during this sales series, I’m airing actual recordings with my incredible business mentor and success coach, Lacey Sites, so you get a front-row seat to the challenges that were holding me back from showing up and selling and how we shifted them (so you can too!). If you’ve ever struggled to own your expertise, talk about what you do, or gain visibility so you can close more sales, then this episode is for you. You’ll walk away with the exact mindset shift you need to see the potential in your own offer so you can show up and sell it (plus feel way better about doing so!).


Check out the show notes here!


Grab your free 30-minute, Sincere Sales coaching call here!

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