How can we take inspiration from our love for animals to protect wildlife and change the world? How can we take action and start making changes in our lives? What if we measured success based on happiness and on the health of communities?

Stephanie Feldstein leads the Center for Biological Diversity's work to highlight and address threats to endangered species and wild places from runaway human population growth and overconsumption. Previously Stephanie worked for, where she helped hundreds of people start and win online campaigns to protect wildlife. She has years of experience in organizing, outreach and communications. She is the author of The Animal Lover’s Guide to Changing the World, and the series aimed at young adults Take Action: Save Life on Earth.

"Capitalism is an inherently unsustainable system the way that it is being practiced now. It is an economy that is based on infinite growth, even though we live on a finite planet. What if we measured success based on happiness and based on the health of communities? Based on wealth equity instead of just how rich are the richest people?

So there's always going to be an end game for a growth-based economy. But, of course, that's being largely ignored right now to the detriment of the world around us. It's focused on growth and maximizing corporate profits but at the expense of people and the planet. It exploits workers. It exploits the environment. So we need to reimagine how we approach our economy."