“I definitely believe we need a Global Green New Deal which will involve massive structural de-growth of the fashion industry. But as you say, we have to make sure that we don't just repeat the sacrifice zones that we are seeing anyway with climate change, whereby we say to the 4 million garment workers in Bangladesh. ‘Okay. You know, it is been great. You've made several billion bits of clothing, but we are off now and, you know, you have no more jobs and no more no infrastructure.’ So yeah, it has to be a just transition. But I think it's in many ways a bit of an exciting opportunity whereby we could really overturn this global export economy.”

Tansy E. Hoskins is an award winning author and journalist who investigates the global fashion industry. She’s the author of The Anti-Capitalist Book Of Fashion, Foot Work, and Stitched Up. This work has taken her to Bangladesh, India, North Macedonia, and to the Topshop warehouses in Solihull.



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