“I think what happens in the United States is that politics have become so cynical and so dishonest that the words are just thrown around to scare people. The politics in many countries, including my own, especially of one of the parties, is simply a politics of fear and anger. Scare 'em, make 'em angry. And to some extent, both parties in the United States are doing that. So I think that it's not about whether the word is socialism or collectivism, it's really that at this point, given the way things are going, if we don't look for a common good, we will destroy humanity. We can't keep doing this. The temperatures can't keep getting higher. The water shortages can't keep increasing. The storms can't keep getting worse. There are parts of the world already getting flooded. Is that the future we want? And I hope it's not, but people are so attuned to the short-term and individual gains that I worry about what kind of future the world has.”

Robert J. Sternberg is Professor of Human Development at Cornell University and Honorary Professor of Psychology at the University of Heidelberg, Germany. He is a past winner of the Grawemeyer Award in Psychology, and the William James and James McKeen Cattell Awards of the Association for Psychological Science. Sternberg has served as President of the American Psychological Association, and the Federation of Associations in Behavioral and Brain Sciences. His latest book is Adaptive Intelligence: Surviving and Thriving in Times of Uncertainty.



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