"EO Wilson suggested that we had to think about the world as a place that we share. And he said: Look, we always seem to need a lot of stuff. So why don't we leave half the earth to the natural environment and allow all the natural processes that we need, and then we use the other half for ourselves. And it's an interesting concept because it says to economists and to the capitalist system: you cannot use all of it. You have to leave half of it to allow the systems to produce clean air, clean water, and allow for biodiversity and ecosystems to restore themselves."

Can we imagine a world where we leave half the earth to the natural environment and use the other half for ourselves? Can we change history and protect the Indigenous, the vulnerable, and the very poorest in society?

Mark Maslin is a Professor of Earth System Science at University College London. Maslin is a leading expert in understanding the anthropocene and how it relates to the major challenges facing humanity in the 21st century. He has written a number of books on the issue of climate change, his most book is How to Save Our Planet: The Facts.


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Image courtesy of Mark Maslin