Henrik Fexeus is an internationally bestselling author, lecturer, performer, and star of the TV show Mind Melt. An expert in psychology and communications, he travels the world "reading minds" and teaching others how to understand and manipulate human behavior through body language and persuasion. Henrik has studied mental skills like NLP, hypnosis, acting, and magic.

"The best way to get people to change a behaviour is to a) let them feel that they are in control (true or not) of the decision (as opposed to having a new legislation thrown upon them), b) give them the opportunity to say no (which actually increases the chance of them saying yes. And of course to show them that c) they have the ability/means to do it, and d) explain what’s in it for them on a personal level.

But point a is really key here. As long as people feel that they are in control of their decisions and actions, you can get them to do anything."


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