Harold P. Sjursen is an educator and administrator having served on the faculty of both a liberal arts college and school of engineering. His background is in the history of philosophy, but since childhood has sustained an interest in science and technology. His current research interests focus on the philosophy of technology, global philosophy, and technological ethics. His engineering education projects address issues related to the internationalization of higher education, the integration of the liberal arts and engineering and ethics beyond the codes for engineers.

“Technoscience in the first place has increased the power of our actions by orders of magnitude that you can't even really imagine. Nuclear warfare being the most stunning example of that awakened a whole generation to the need for something like engineering ethics, or the complexity of machines that only a very small group of people have sufficient expertise to even understand how they work. To the fact that the consequences of technology are often irreversible and don't appear until way in the future so that you and I don't even really need to think about them. Or at least in terms of the ordinary what is my duty or what is my contract to my children or my children's children or into the certain kind of future we can think of. So this is a complex of many problems. It touches on science and religion and art and history and sociology and everything.”


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