How has music transported you? Where do you find inspiration from the natural world? Where do you find moments of every day magic?
Erland Cooper is a Scottish composer, producer, and multi-instrumentalist from Stromness, Orkney. He has released three acclaimed studio albums, four additional companion albums, and multiple EPs, including a trilogy of work inspired by his childhood home. His work combines field recordings with traditional orchestration and contemporary electronic elements. Through music words and cinematography, he explores landscape, memory, and identity. Cooper also works across mixed media projects, including installation, art, theater, and film. He is widely known for burying the only existing copy of the master tape of his first classical album in Scotland, deleting all digital files, and leaving only a treasure hunt of clues for fans and his record label alike to search for it. The tape has recently been found.

"I often feel that a lot of facts surrounding the science of climate change and how arguments are presented can be very overwhelming to most people. And people tend to often switch off after a point. But I think what the arts and music can do in particular is they can make humans feel something for a moment. And it's when you feel something that you tend to make instinctive decisions about how you might change, how you might go about the rest of your day, how you might make decisions that might affect other people. And the arts in particular. This is a very potent method of doing that."

Photo by Alex Kozobolis