🔥Hey Guys! Back at you today with another episode of The One Percenter Podcast and I know this is one you’re going to enjoy. Today we have an amazing guest on the show who is definitely going to inspire you and show anything is possible with his story. Please help me welcome my man John Marrone to the show! Now John is a coach, business speaker, and great entrepreneur and has really taken all the setbacks he’s had in life, and used them for his benefit. John has overcome every obstacle you can imagine. He’s been arrested, been addicted to drugs, and even homeless. It wasn’t until he had enough with that life until he got his breakthrough. That came and everything he knew changed. From the John I know today, it’s impossible to believe his past life unless he told you. Maybe you feel down and out, like everything is hopeless. But just like John, I know you can turn things around. Let his story inspire you to do the same. I hope you guys enjoy the episode and drop some love in the comments! I’ll see you soon