The Tarnished United States Supreme Court is on Vacation, but before the gavel sounded for the last time until the first Monday in October, the Ultra, Conservative, Religious, and Righ-Wing, anti-women, anti-civil right Justices killed President Biden's Student Loan Forgiveness plan, they Set-Back Affirmative Action in Higher Education, they Blocked Water Rights for Native Americans and chipped away at Equal Justices and civil Rights for LGBTQ. They voted on a "Hypothetical Case" even though they refused to answer questions about Hypotheticals during confirmation hearings. And finally, they refuse to follow basic, fundamental Ethics Rules. Rules that every other Branch of Government is required to follow. 

But there is some hope I can offer. It comes from the Consititution, which established the Supreme Court, but it permits CONGRESS TO DECIDE HOW TO ORGANIZE IT.  

That and more in this Supreme Court Wrap Up Episode of Political Woman.