UPDATE: Today's school shooting in Nashville, TN., brings children under 11 years old to SIXTY  (60) child deaths by gun violence. President Biden called on Congress to pass the Assault Weapons Ban and other gun safety reforms. 


There have been 117 Mass shootings in the United States this year. At this moment, there have been 9,488 Gun Violence Deaths in 2023. And it's not even April yet. 

If you wait just a couple of hours, these numbers increase. The statistics are even more heartbreaking when you look at the number of children under 18 who are being killed by people shooting guns. Some of those deaths are the result of children killing other children. 

So far this year, 385 Americans under 18 have died from gunshot wounds. 

Five years ago, a group of GenZ's had had enough. They established the "March for Our Lives" Organization. Their goal is to lobby for common sent gun safety laws. It's way past time for all of us to support them and that goal. 

Statistics from "Gun Violence Archive"


March for Our Lives
