Russia is bombing Ukraine right now. What will happen next, and as Americans and citizens of the world, why should we care. Here are five of my reasons.

1. Putin is a Fascist and a Bully. Never Ignore a Bully.

2. Democracy is worth Caring about and fighting for.

3. Geography. Read a Map. China is now supporting the Russian Dictator's invasion of Ukraine. Enough Said! 

4. What next? Invade Poland?? More involvement in US elections? 

5. Peace in Europe is vital. For Europe, the US, and our Planet!

Links to all the information in my podcast are on my website:

Russia Bombs Ukraine - What Next? Reasons to Care!

Credit for the images I'm using in this podcast and on my website: 

Photo by Roman Shavnya on Unsplash


Brick, from YouTube, Royalty Free Music.