It's been a difficult year. It began with COVID. Then the highest unemployment rate in history. 20 Percent. Businesses and Jobs are lost forever. And at the end of the Month of May: Race Riots. Riots! Looting! Fires!

Another white cop killed a black man on May 25.  It is horrific that I use the word "Another." Because this has happened before. And before and Before! We are sick of this. We wonder what we can do. 

We feel bad because we are not black, we don't know what it's like and there is guilt that comes with that. We wonder what we can do. 

We watch our leaders. At this point, anything they say seems like it's too little too late.

Our country burns.

Our president is clueless. There will be no "leadership moment" from him. 

There is only one thing to do, pick ourselves up, try to get back to work, get through the long, hot summer, and vote Trump out in November.  You know damn well his supporters will come out and vote for him again. We need to hold Congress and all elected officials accountable. Vote them out. 

I complete this episode with two pieces of information, first a quote:

"I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent." -Mahatma Gandhi

And second, here is the link to the quote I used from Switch Code. I pulled it from the National Public Radio website.

