2.1 million people in the United States are living with Limb Loss. Each year 1 million people in the world undergo an amputation. That's one every thirty seconds somewhere in the world. For the first time, the Physical Therapy Department at Sacramento State is opening up its popular amputee clinic to the world. Because of COVID, the popular clinic is going virtual, professors and students will be using Telehealth to communicate with patients. One-On-One communication in the digital age includes health care clinics and doctor's visits online and on the computer screen!

Professor Toran MacLeod is one of the brilliant faculty members I worked with at Sacramento State. It was a pleasure to sit down and talk with him on Zoom about his upcoming clinic, his students, his digital projects, and the importance of Communication and kindness. Especially now, but always. 

Important Links

Clinic Details and  sign-up:



My blog:



The PlayList for the Physical Therapy videos:
